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Qlik View Cloud Platform Services for BI and Data certification path

L'analista di dati Qlik View offre informazioni utili sfruttando i dati disponibili e applicando le competenze di dominio. L'analista di dati di Qlik View collabora con le principali parti interessate in tutti i settori verticali per identificare i requisiti aziendali, pulire e trasformare i dati e quindi progettare e creare modelli di dati usando Qlik View. L'analista di dati fornisce un valore aziendale significativo attraverso visualizzazioni dei dati di facile comprensione, consente ad altri utenti di eseguire analisi self-service e distribuisce e configura soluzioni per l'utilizzo


min 8 gg piano formativo personalizzabile


Attestato di Partecipazione First Consulting 


Propedutico Path Certficazione
Qlik View


Qlick View 
Business intelligence 
Tabular Model


QlikView Business Analyst Certification

  • Fundamental knowledge of Business Intelligence, reporting and data analysis

  • Practical experience working with QlikView to design applications

  • Visualization and user interface design experience


 Gather and Interpret Requirements

  • Given a set of business objectives, determine KPIs, dimensions, or measures


Identify and Analyze Data Sources

  • Given a dataset, determine the relationships among data


Identify and Analyze Data Sources

  • Given a data set, identify quality issues

  • Determine the expected effects of data quality issues

  • Given a data set, determine how the data characteristics at the field level will affect the QlikView data model (e.g., performance, accuracy)

  • Interpret an entity relationship (ER) diagram

  • Given a data set, determine the relationships among data

  • Given a data set, determine how the relationships among data will affect the QlikView data model (e.g., performance, accuracy)


Design and Develop the QlikView Application User Interface

  • Determine the result of a given function or complex expression

  • Identify where alternate uses of expressions are appropriate

  • Given a scenario, determine the appropriate function or complex expression to use

  • Explain how to implement Actions/Triggers in the QlikView interface

  • Given a scenario, determine the appropriate object or chart type to use

  • Explain the purpose/functionality of common object properties

  • Given a scenario, determine the appropriate application User Interface performance tuning option to use

  • Given user requirements, identify the appropriate screen resolution




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