Qlik View Cloud Platform Services for BI and Data certification path
L'analista di dati Qlik View offre informazioni utili sfruttando i dati disponibili e applicando le competenze di dominio. L'analista di dati di Qlik View collabora con le principali parti interessate in tutti i settori verticali per identificare i requisiti aziendali, pulire e trasformare i dati e quindi progettare e creare modelli di dati usando Qlik View. L'analista di dati fornisce un valore aziendale significativo attraverso visualizzazioni dei dati di facile comprensione, consente ad altri utenti di eseguire analisi self-service e distribuisce e configura soluzioni per l'utilizzo
min 8 gg piano formativo personalizzabile
Attestato di Partecipazione First Consulting
Propedutico Path Certficazione
Qlik View
Qlick View
Business intelligence
Tabular Model
QlikView Business Analyst Certification
Fundamental knowledge of Business Intelligence, reporting and data analysis
Practical experience working with QlikView to design applications
Visualization and user interface design experience
Gather and Interpret Requirements
Given a set of business objectives, determine KPIs, dimensions, or measures
Identify and Analyze Data Sources
Given a dataset, determine the relationships among data
Identify and Analyze Data Sources
Given a data set, identify quality issues
Determine the expected effects of data quality issues
Given a data set, determine how the data characteristics at the field level will affect the QlikView data model (e.g., performance, accuracy)
Interpret an entity relationship (ER) diagram
Given a data set, determine the relationships among data
Given a data set, determine how the relationships among data will affect the QlikView data model (e.g., performance, accuracy)
Design and Develop the QlikView Application User Interface
Determine the result of a given function or complex expression
Identify where alternate uses of expressions are appropriate
Given a scenario, determine the appropriate function or complex expression to use
Explain how to implement Actions/Triggers in the QlikView interface
Given a scenario, determine the appropriate object or chart type to use
Explain the purpose/functionality of common object properties
Given a scenario, determine the appropriate application User Interface performance tuning option to use
Given user requirements, identify the appropriate screen resolution
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